Something I would like to see that might get missed in implementation: 'Overlay on bottom' checkbox that draws the Icon above the overlay (which is how windows 10 does it by default, whereas on 7, it is truly an overlay IE if it were made solid black, you wouldn't see the button at all) Retrieved 20 September 2015.Ah, I actually thought that's what you meant for a second when I first posted Yea, that would be a nice piece to add IMO if themes can no-longer touch it at-least. 'Give Windows 7 the XP makeover with Classic Shell 3.3'. 'Make Windows 8 Suck Less With Classic Shell'. 'Put the Classic Start menu in Windows 7 with Classic Shell'. 'Review: Classic Shell brings the Start menu to Windows 8 for free'. 'Two must-have downloads that make Windows 8 more bearable'. ^ Adrian Kingsley-Hughes (13 December 2012).'Classic Shell Adds A Start Menu Back To Windows 8'. 'How to Bring the Start Menu Back in Windows 8'. 'Don't Wait For Windows 8.1 - Get Its Two Best 'Features' Right Now'. 'Classic Shell sees 4.3 million downloads since Windows 8 launch'. View topic - Classic Shell no longer in development.'Interview: We chat with the creator of Classic Shell'. 'Restore Windows' One-Folder-Up Arrow with Classic Shell'. ^ Classic Shell page at FossHub showing downloads.'Classic Shell brings Classic Start Menu to Windows 8'. ^ a b Classic Shell no longer in development.It has seen coverage in such publications as Forbes, Lifehacker, Neowin, Ghacks, ZDNet, PC World, TechRepublic, MakeUseOf, and Betanews. Replace the copy conflict dialog with one like Windows XP.Copy progress dialog can be automatically expanded to show more details.Show the current folder in the title bar caption.Status bar can show disk free space, total size of current folder.The breadcrumb bar can be replaced with a traditional address bar, and the associated dropdown modified to show the hierarchical path instead of recent folder history.Customize the behavior and appearance of the left folder navigation pane, including whether folders expand with a single click or double click, connecting lines, subfolder indicators, horizontal scrollbar, tree item spacing, and keyboard shortcuts.A toolbar that can include built-in commands, custom commands, or dropdown menus for arbitrary folders.Classic Explorer is an add-on to Windows File Explorer, implemented as various shell extensions.