This is will conflict with any other default which affects the body textures. Here’s what it offers you: cleavage details, nipples and monolid. You can still use other replacements which only affect the face (ie. + Face only version for all ages/genders also available + Adds nipples and smoothed butts for females, and just smoothed butts for males replacement lips, noses, etc), just be aware that they will layer underneath this. + Only affects nose tip, nostrils are not changed + Five different nose shapes to choose from This is now available in all skin detail categories and has custom thumbnails.

I’m always for extra customization, so I made some nosemasks. They are enabled for all ages and genders, are available in all skin detail categories + blush and face paint, and as always, they also have custom thumbnails.

**UPDATE : This is now fully compatible with the June patch. Body textures have been slightly adjusted (added detailed hands), and a seam on the TM-EM skins has been fixed. **UPDATE : Fixed issue with AF nipples not showing up. **UPDATE : This has been updated for the toddler patch. The nosemasks as well as the face only skin detail will now show up for toddlers. I also fixed some other small things, which you can read about in this post. The toddler default skin will be added in an upcoming post.

Superbloom v.2 is categorized as a forehead skin detail and is available for male and female sims toddler-elder. Then I realized that it’s really heckin hard so I decided to just make Superbloom a more complete skinblend. For a long time ppl have been asking me to update Superbloom and for a long time I was under the impression I was gonna make my own skinblend from scratch.